What's In A Name?

 Play Pretty came from something my grandmother used to say to my sister and me when we were kids. Growing up, we spent a lot of time at her house and even more time running around outside and climbing the pear trees in her backyard. We were rough and tumble tomboys.

My grandmother would get so exasperated with how rough we were playing and how dirty we were getting she'd yell out the back door, ‘Ya’ll Play Pretty!' That meant play nice. The phrase stuck and my sister and I found ourselves using it throughout our lives.


What also stuck with me was the value of fresh food. When we would climb Nanny's pear trees, we'd inevitably grab a few to eat. They were a heathy, delicious and oh so sweet treat. When I created Play Pretty Beauty, I knew I wanted to honor my grandmother.'s wisdom, strength and legacy. This is why you'll see a pear on every jar.  A nod to my roots and the natural goodness inside Play Pretty Beauty products.

 Everybody has a story. This is ours.


Play Pretty,

